Mares Dual 15X Regulator
A compact, lightweight and simple regulator the Mares Dual 15x regulator is an ideal first configuration for all scuba divers. Weighing only 183g (2nd stage) and having a compact but sturdy design, making a great option for the travelling diver too.
Combined with the 15X first stage with an ACT valve, it guarantees maximum reliability and safety.
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1st Stage
- The 15X first stage has one DFC port and pre-oriented ports,
- Compact design with a sandblasted finish.
- The DIN300 balanced membrane first stage weighs 598g.
- The INT version weighs 772g.
- High pressure ports: 2 HP 7/16” UNF Ports
- Low pressure ports: 4 LP 3/8” UNF Ports
2nd Stage
- Made of ultra-lightweight technopolymer to considerably reduces its weight
- Weighs only 183 g
- It has a pneumatically assisted (P.A.D.) design that ensures high airflow.
- Equipped with a Superflex hose.